Your truth is not my truth

10:12 AM Unknown 5 Comments

Hello again friends today I wanted to talk about few YouTube videos I recently watched and felt quite annoyed by. I thought it's a good idea to address this issue with this video on here. So without further ado, let's jump right into it. 

These videos are filmed and put out there by a woman with YouTube username Freelee the Banana Girl (the links for the videos will be at the end of the post). This person has over 360 000 subscribers, which is not little at all, and she is known by her diet, which is "raw till 4" vegan diet. She made a lot of videos about how this or that person should eat this or that and how we all have to be vegan because if we are not then we are harming the planet Earth. This statements didn't really bother me because I'm kind of used to this "IF YOU DON'T THINK LIKE ME YOU THINK WRONG" mentality which I experienced in every aspect of life (because I'm straight up the real life unpopular opinion penguin meme). 

Now things that she said and I wanted to talk about and address, because they made me very annoyed, are quote "... people who are being educated and they continue to use animal products, whether they actually deserve to continue living?" and "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan" and ".. you should not have that option, you just have to step the fuck up, or you don't deserve to live on this planet."Just so you can be sure I didn't take this out of context and made her look like a bad person intentionally, please go and watch her video, if you didn't already, so we can be in this together no lies no scams. I'll wait for you.

Okay, now that we are on the same page, let's think about this for a second. This woman who has influence on over 360 000 people is saying that they are worthless and don't deserve to live because of their eating choices. How does a person, a human being, just like me, you or anyone else, give the right to himself, to make a decision how is worth and who is not worth living. How can an educated person think that all of the people in the world can just go vegan in a blink of an eye when in reality most of the people can't even afford that lifestyle. Also, I don't really see how can, every problem this planet has, be solved by everyone just stop eating meat. Actually, I don't think that we can feed all the people in the world with just raw plant food because we don't have the resources. If you are not familiar with the thing called food chain, please google it or something. 

The other thing Freelee the Banana Girl said is "I'm superior to you." and I'm not even going to talk about this cause this is just ignorance and it is not worth my time.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind people who are vegetarians or vegans, in fact I would like to become a vegetarian sometime. I just can't believe that this kind of persons still exists (taught that they died with Hitler) and they think their truth is your truth when in fact it is not. Things I believe in and chose in life are the best option for me and my life, but that doesn't mean that they are for you. Everyone should have their life in their hands and everyone should and must have their own choices and truths. 

Let me know in the comments what did you think about things she said. Do you agree or disagree and why?

Thanks for reading.

Freelee's videos:


  1. I watched your both videos,I have been hearing about her on some of the subs I am to, she tells them what to eat or do, I think she needs to re view on how she thinks about meats, and fish, not all are poising, bieng pure Vegan can be bad health as my Dr. told me, our body needs the meats, just don't eat to much reds, and do research on how to look for good quality meats. I don't know who she thinks she is, I was a vegan until I got my blood pressure back but when it got back I thought to keep going and I found out that I was getting weaker so I went back to meats, Vegan has some kind of something in it, because it is fake, we are put on this planet to eat the animals, I understand the bad slaughter of animals they should be stopped, but for the right slaughter that is why we have animals to eat protein. I wonder what will happen if one day she needs to eat meat? She is not Superior to us at all,I know allot of people want her banned for telling us to be Vegan and stop the abuse of animals, she needs to stop wearing clothes, where does she think the items are made from they can say fake but it all comes from animal the big companies just want us to think fake but please them loose out on billions um no..She needs to research that as well:) excellent post.

    1. I agree that meat and protein very important for you and that vegan lifestyle is not good for everyone. She needs to calm her panties. Thank you very much. :)

  2. Well, I try to eat less meat and more veggies. I´d love to go vegetarian but I am crazy about food. It is too hard for me. I believe Dragana what pisses you off is the fact that she preaches about what to eat and pick on people who does not share her believes. You are right. That is not right. I am fully aware that eating the way we eat is not sustainable and therefore not good for the planet. As well as I know that that the life that we lead is the source of the worse things that happens in the world. And I feel bad for this sometimes. I´d like to have the courage to do more. But we are humans and we have been raised in certain way with certain habits and customs. You should respect and admire people who want to make a difference but you should not abuse others who do not have the strength or do not want to do it for whatever reason. That at least is my opinion.

    1. By the way, I have changed my URL. Apparently a very long one is a bad thing. As you were one of my followers I leave you the new links.

      Hi people. I have heard that a very long name is not good as a url for your blog. Apparently people will not be able to find you easily. I have changed it accordingly so just to let you know. Although maybe it is my content what sucks and not my URL :)

      Big hug

    2. Yes, what pisses me of is her saying that if I eat meat I don't deserve to live which is crazy. I try to eat less meat too, but I like it too much to quit... Thanks for the link. :) xo


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