Would You Rather...

2:42 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hello again friends. Yeah, I'm slacking again but it was my birthday and I was busy and festive so I really didn't have time to post much at all. So today I'm here with a quick little would you rather type thing. We can call it a tag. I have 5 would you rather questions and I'm going to answer them and explain why did I pick that answer. Y'all know the drill. So without further ado here we go.

1.) Be forced to say everything that you think or never be able to speak again?
I would definitely be forced to say everything I think. I think that would help me in life. I would probably lose some people in my life but I would know who is my real friend and who really loves me.

2.) Go through life with a cold sore always on your mouth OR always have a booger hanging from your nose?
Oh God. This is awful. H A T E cold sores and I just couldn't live my life with one. I can't stand them. I would much rather have a booger in my nose all my life.

3.) Be itchy for the rest of your life or be sticky for the rest of your life?
Oh God. This one is hard. Ohhh. I don't know. Both are terrible. Probably be itchy. If I was sticky the dirt and disgusting stuff would be on me all the time so... Ohhh. I can't stand the thought of being any of those for the rest of my life.

4.) Smell like eggs when burp or have a green cloud appear when you fart?
Oh this is easy. I would smell like eggs when burp. Because I almost never burp, and I fart all the time (bet you wanted to know that) but it's not smelly and no one knows. So if I had a green cloud appear every time I fart I would have no friends.

5.) Know when you're going to die or know how you're going to die?
Know when I'm going to die for sure. I don't want to know if I'm going to be tortured or something like that. If I knew that I would live the trauma every day till the end. That ish scary. And if I knew when I'm going to die I would just make sure everything in my life is complete and that is it. I wouldn't be the person who would try to escape the death and I'm not afraid of the death so... yeah.

So that is it peeps. I hope you enjoyed this little post and in the comments let me know what would you rather. Okay I'm going to go think about the unicorns who poop skittles now. Think about the positive side of every situation and you will be happier than ever. Okay, bye. *brainfart*

Thanks for reading. See you soon.

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