Throwback to the pure happiness

2:48 PM Unknown 2 Comments

Hello again friends, yeah I'm writing another post today. Crazy ha? I didn't plan this or anything but I just got this idea for the post and I couldn't leave it for tomorrow because I feel like I would cool down by then and think that idea is dumb or something like that. And also this is my blog so Imma do what Imma do, okay? Okay.

This afternoon, as I like to do from time to time, I was looking through photos of me and my siblings when we were little kids and I was feeling all the feels and remembering all the things we used to do and laugh about. It's very nice to sometimes remember how life used to be so simple and beautiful. It's wonderful to see the cute little faces of your friends and family members and remember how things used to be. Also it's a very good way to bring to mind people that were big part of your life from the beginning and just appreciate them for sticking around or if they are not there and you kind of lost connection a reason to contact them and see how they are doing. So what I want to do in this post is I'm going to share one of my favorite photos of me as a child and tell you the story behind it. Because pineapple is yellow.
                                                                 I was around two.

So here is photo of me all smeared in this thing we here call krem. It's basically melted chocolate and vanilla thing you spread on bread and eat like a treat. It was my all time favorite thing, I was obssessed with it and I used to eat it with bread or without breat. What happened here is I was at my grandmas house for two days. That day she asked me do I want any candy and I of course said I want krem. She told me that she doesn't have any and asked me if I want to go to the sore to buy it with her. Of course I said yes. So we went to the store and she got a bunch of stuff and two of those little packets of krem. I was so happy to eat them both when we get home I kept saying hurry up hurry up to her.When we finally got home she made me eat some broccoli before and I was so sad but I did it just to get two of my precious sweet treats. When that moment finally came she gave me only one pack. Yes, only one. I taught she will give me the other when I finish the first one but by that time it was night and my bed time was close. When I asked for other pack she said that I can't have it and that she will give it to me in the morning. I was so sad. Not long after that phone ringed and grandma went into another room to pick up. In that moment I got up rane to the kitchen, got my pack of krem and a little spoon and stuffed my face in it. Literally. When she got back she saw me like this and she started laughing. I was the happiest kid in the world at that moment and this photo is showing that clearly.

So that's it. That's my funny/cute little story and photo of me being a kid. I hope you like this post and if you didn't then go hug a kitten. Make sure you leave me your cute/funny/anything stories and tweet me or link me to your photo from young age because I really love seeing those.

Thanks for reading.


  1. This is one of my favourite things evaaaaa. How have I not been told this story before? Unbelievable levels of cute, couldn't stop laughing. You need to tell me lots more stories like this from when you were little Drags

    1. I will Ads, have lots of them. I love your kid Ads stories too.


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