Where Love is Illegal, #LGBT Stories of Survival

4:06 PM Unknown 2 Comments

Hello again friends, today I wanted to talk to you about campaign that Witness Change organisation started. This campaign is called Where Love is Illegal and it's about gay and transgender people and their stories of survival and life. The stories contain of the photo of the people sharing their story, the story and the basic information about the person like where they are from or how old they are, what do they do and stuff like that.

I'm not going to go into details about who are the people working on this project right now, not because I think they don't deserve credits or attention  which they absolutely do, but because I want to focus on the people who are sharing their incredibly sad and disturbing stories of their family members trying to kill them or police molesting and beating them to dead. I find this project through the instagram and when I red the first story I was in tears and I just sat there and asked myself over and over and over again HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? WHY IS THIS POSSIBLE? As I read more and more stories I was more and more sad and frustrated. I talked with my boyfriend about this and he, as one of the best people I know said, don't read those you can't do anything you're just making yourself miserable, not exactly that but something along those lines. And I see why would people think like that but HEY if you want a change in the world, you have to be that change. You first have to do everything you can to make a difference, and everything you do IS making a difference. One post on social media witch take 3s is a change and the help. If you tell your friends about this campaign and they share it to their friends and their friends share it to their friends it's a big thing and if 1/3 of those people give a minimum amount of money THAT'S A CHANGE AND HELP.

The other thing that is bothering me is just the question why? Why does this still happen to people? It's just so mind blowing to me that people are that ignorant and just... I can't understand. We all know gay people exist we all know transgender people exist we all know that they have always existed. Why the hell are we regressing not progressing in the evolution of accepting the differences? In Ancient Rome and Sparta gay sex was a common and normal thing and now in 21st century we are deciding that we have right to say this is right and this is wrong to people when like they can choose who they love. It's just mind blowing to me that people will abuse, kill or rape someone over their sexual orientation.

If you can please go, read stories of those people and donate. If you can't donate please just share their site, follow them on social media and share them. Talk to your friends and family about this and show them their site. Everything you do can be helpful for those people who are living sad, lonely and in fear for their life. And you can see that in their eyes.


Thanks for reading. xoxo *click on the photo for better resolution*



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